Friday, March 27, 2009

Graduation save the date.

Peter Colin McFarland
Frugnar the Destroyer
Is graduating from High School
Thursday June 4th 2009 at 4:00
Lincoln Academy, Newcastle Maine
Food and drink to follow at Arrochar Farm, Jefferson
207 549 3647


happy to have his mommy back :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Debord by the drop

As indispensable embellishment of currently produced objects, as general articulation of the system’s rationales, and as advanced economic sector that directly creates an ever-increasing mass of image-objects, the spectacle is the leading production of present-day society.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Federal Fun

Sorry to have not posted has been a real circus here for the last few weeks. As some of you know, Ben and I had our Green Card interview on St. Patrick's Day. We had prepped and organized for weeks, but were still missing the most crucial document of all -- Ben's original birth certificate -- as it was trapped in customs! Luckily we got a humane immigration officer who looked at our photo album and saw that we were an actual couple. I'm sure the lovely wedding photos helped a lot.

However we had to go back Monday to deliver a few final pieces of paperwork, including the BC. I was dreading a long ordeal, as we did not have an appointment, but by a miracle, the guy we had to see picked up his phone and appeared after 30 seconds, looked at our papers, and signed off. Total time -- 5 minutes, if that!

Overall I would say the entire interview process is just as stressful and intimidating as they say -- other people we talked to were grilled and interrogated and have left in tears. In fact outside the Federal Building in lower Manhattan I noticed the site had been beautified with the above sculptures...with no offense to La Conquistadora, who is a Fed herself, these statues seem, to me anyway, to deliver a clear statement to the supplicants, and it is: bend over and feel the might of Homeland Security!

Anyway, this ordeal surpassed there are other developments here at Chez Heidi & Ben! We have purchased a Turbo Scratcher for Inky, and she sits on it all day plotting to take over the world -- a simple cardboard disk and a little catnip and she's happy as a demented old cat can be.

We watched ACE IN THE HOLE starring Kirk Douglas and directed by Billy Wilder the other night, a film Philip recommended to Ben, and found it just as sharp and pertinent as the day it was made, nearly 60 years ago. It's instructive to see that the media circus is a constant of human interaction and just changes with the media, whether it's a man trapped in a cave or a crazy woman with octuplets.

In other news, I got up this morning for a breakfast meeting and had pumpkin waffles with a side of papaya! Yum yum yum.

Our Deer

Our ten Deer herd on Honey Moon Hill.
Let's see if half of them are does and they have twins Hmmm that's twenty deer by fall.

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Fedco seed order has arrived!

The seeds are here, must be Spring

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Debord by the drop

The society based on modern industry is not accidentally or superficially spectacular, it is fundamentally spectaclist. In the spectacle — the visual reflection of the ruling economic order — goals are nothing, development is everything. The spectacle aims at nothing other than itself.

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Oh, also this one.

New Rad Jacket

Just finished this one up, inspired by the Sedlec Ossuary.

Debord by the drop

The tautological character of the spectacle stems from the fact that its means and ends are identical. It is the sun that never sets over the empire of modern passivity. It covers the entire surface of the globe, endlessly basking in its own glory.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

National Truax Day

Happy Birthday Truax March 13 1971

Dirty Collaborators

Angus Helen Beth Truax Eilidh Chad Colin Peggy
3 vegetables each

Vegetable Dirty C Method
1. pole beans Eilidh seeds
2. beets/greens Helen seeds
3. broccoli Truax purchased seedlings
4. brussel sprouts Truax purchased seedlings
5. cabbage Helen purchased seedlings
6. carrots Colin seeds
7. cucumbers Beth seeds and or purchased seedlings remay
8. eggplant Chad purchased seedlings remay
9. fennel Peggy seeds
10. garlic Truax purchased cloves
11. herbs Colin seeds periodic plantings
12. kale Angus seeds
13. lettuce Chad seeds
14. leeks Angus purchased seedlings
15. melons Chad purchased seedlings remay and black plastic
16. onions Peggy sets or seeds
17. parsnips Helen seeds
18. peas Eilidh seeds
20. peppers Peggy purchased seedlings green house
21. spinach Colin seeds
22. summer squash Beth seeds two beds zuc + crook neck
23. winter squash Angus seeds 1 row 50’ delicata + butternut
24. tomatoes Beth purchased seedlings and early direct seeding in stone and poly greenhouse

Interior decoration:

I'm thinking of doing my place like this...

Monday, March 9, 2009

debord by the drop

The spectacle presents itself as something enormously positive, indisputable and inaccessible. It says nothing more than “that which appears is good, that which is good appears. The attitude which it demands in principle is passive acceptance which in fact it already obtained by its manner of appearing without reply, by its monopoly of appearance.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Oliver is here!

Welcome Oliver Kucharski 3 /7 /09 at 5:34 8 lbs 10 oz 21"

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Ahoy, all! March is here and it's time to drop money in the tax acct if you can. hope everyone is well, more shortly.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Huddling together

I know we're a lot warmer than you guys, but drafty, non-closing windows and a lack of slippers have made this a cold day here at Outpost New York. Ben has been forced to put on long pants, and even Inky is getting under the covers.

How we got here. In case you missed this. The Century of the Self

Melbourne Australia from a friend of Martin Ganner

Wildfires in Oz

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Happy Birthday Boogar and don't scratch your mother!

Nice one Boogar, right between the eyes.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Debord by the drop

In order to describe the spectacle, its formation, its functions, and the forces that work against it, it is necessary to make some artificial distinctions. In analyzing the spectacle we are obliged to a certain extent to use the spectacle’s own language, in the sense that we have to operate on the methodological terrain of the society that expresses itself in the spectacle. For the spectacle is both the meaning and the agenda of our particular socio-economic formation. It is the historical moment in which we are caught.